25 July 2024

Agenda - Board Meeting 25 July

  For publication, no redactions

OLC Board forward plan

134.0 For publication, no redactions

LeO's position on transparency of case work including publishing decisions.


For publication, no redactions

  Update from the Performance Sub-Group 134.2 For publication, no redactions

Update from ARAC

134.3 For publication, no redactions

Chief Ombudsman's Report

134.4 For publication, no redactions

Integrated Performance Report



For publication, no redactions

EDI Update

134.7 For publication, no redactions

Scheme Rules Update

134.8 For publication, no redactions

Report against the Welsh Language Scheme

134.9 FoI Exempt S.22 - information intended for future publication

Transparency Publications report:

  • Board member Register of Interests
  • Ombudsman and Senior Manager Register of Interests
  • Gifts and Hospitality Report
  • Ombudsman and Senior Manager 
    expenses report
134.10 FoI Exempt S.22 - information intended for future publication

Previous Minutes:

Previous actions






FoI Exempt S.22 - information intended for future publication


For publication, no redactions


Board paper redactions and non-disclosure report


FoI exempt S.36 (2) (c)

Otherwise (likely to) prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs