25 April 2024

Agenda - Board Meeting 25 April

  For publication, no redactions

OLC Board forward plan

130.0 For publication, no redactions

Review draft 2023/24 Annual Report and Accounts

132.1 Cover paper only for publication;
attachments FoI exempt S.22 –
information intended for future 

Chief Ombudsman’s report 

132.2 For publication, with redactions

Integrated Performance Dashboard

132.3 For publication, no redactions

Update from RemCo:

132.4 For publication, no redactions

2023 Civil service survey results

132.5 For publication, no redactions

Service Complaint Adjudicator’s annual report

132.6 Cover paper only for publication; 
attachments FoI exempt S.22 –
information intended for future 

Previous Minutes 

132.8A Cover paper only for publication; 
attachments FoI exempt S.22 –
information intended for future 

Matters arising and actions from previous meetings:

132.8B For publication, no redactions
  Board Paper Redactions and Non-Disclosure report 132.9  FoI exempt S.36 (2) (c)
Exempt from publication in 
accordance with OLC’s Publication 

Board effectiveness:

• Review progress against the recommendations 
from the 2023 external Board effectiveness 

• Feedback on April meeting

132.10 For publication, no redactions

Horizon Scan

132.11 For publication, no redactions

Approved Minutes of the OLC Board Meeting held 25 April 2024

  For publication, no redactions