Stamp duty, consumer factsheet 26/03/2024 We have put together some tips, based on our experience of resolving disputes around stamp duty. This consumer factsheet has been created to give you a better understanding of the issues and potential risks around buying your home. Tagged: stamp duty factsheets
Transparency and Reporting Impact 18/07/2024 A discussion paper on the options for publishing a wider range of information data about the decisions and complaints investigated by the Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Consultation Transparency governance
OLC publishes new strategy and business plan for LeO 03/05/2024 Office for Legal Complaints publishes new strategy and business plan for the Legal Ombudsman
27 January 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 27 January 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
26 September 2019 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 26 September 2019 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
12 September 2018 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 12 September 2018 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
Managing unacceptable behaviour policy 02/12/2024 The Legal Ombudsman's guidance on managing unacceptable behaviour policy while in contact with someone using our service Tagged: consumer factsheets
Complaints about legal costs 30/09/2024 What legal providers, consumers and their representatives need to know when it comes to disputes about legal costs on a “no win, no fee” basis. Tagged: Preventing complaints