Governance frameworks 26/03/2024 Information about the different terms of reference and codes of practice for the OLC and its committees Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
Consultations 17/12/2024 Details of past and present consultations and the responses we have received Tagged: Consultation strategy and business plan Publishing our decisions Transparency and reporting governance
10 December 2018 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 10 December 2018 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
A jurisdiction challenge 26/03/2024 This firm challenged the Legal Ombudsman's involvement in this complaint as they felt they hadn't provided a legal service to the complainant...
Underperforming inheritance investment 26/03/2024 Client complained about under performance of investments made at the solicitor's discretion Tagged: Our decisions
Out of jurisdiction 26/03/2024 Mr I was unhappy with the firm's service, however the firm were not actually providing a service to him…
Our recent engagement: listening and learning 26/03/2024 We regularly engage with a range of organisations with a shared interest in better legal services and dispute resolution. We’ve recently delivered training, attended conferences, as well as meeting with the with the Legal Services Consumer Panel and ombudsman schemes from across the UK and Ireland. Tagged: LeO News Engagement Insight Events
Policy statement – approach to complaints where the respondent also provides non-legal services 26/03/2024 Policy statement – approach to complaints where the respondent also provides non-legal services Tagged: Policy statement Non-legal services Non-legal service providers Corporate policies
Providing a service 26/03/2024 The firm challenged our jurisdiction and failed to respond to the complaint as they were acting for the mortgage lender and not Mr Z…