LeO Mythbusters article - beneficiaries 19/06/2024 This article is part of LeO News, edition 24. Tagged: Newsletter Guidance
LeO News, edition 25 26/03/2024 Our newsletter updates our service providers on our latest activities and events, and features helpful guidance and informatoin for the legal service profession. Tagged: Newsletter
Poor service - failing to provide an update 26/03/2024 low financial remedy Tagged: Low financial remedy
Make A Complaint 13/05/2024 Information about starting a complaint Tagged: make a complaint complaint checker
Accessibility 06/08/2024 Our service is for everyone who needs our help in resolving a service complaint. We make every effort to ensure that our website, our documents, and our service are easy to use and are accessible to everyone. We can do this by providing information in a different format such as large print, Braille, on an audio CD or audio file, or in another language. Tagged: accessibility BrowseAloud Deaf Hard of hearing Blind Different formats Support
Equality, diversity and inclusion 07/08/2024 The Legal Ombudsman has a strategy for ensuring that the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are at the heart of everything we do – both as an employer and as a public service. Tagged: equality diversity inclusion
Good complaints handling 26/03/2024 Guidance to ensure legal service providers are meeting their statutory requirements as well as best practive resources. Tagged: good complaints handling first tier complaints training and events How we work Complaints process lawyer information solicitor information
Managing unacceptable behaviour policy 03/03/2025 The Legal Ombudsman's guidance on managing unacceptable behaviour policy while in contact with someone using our service Tagged: consumer factsheets
Stamp duty, consumer factsheet 26/03/2024 We have put together some tips, based on our experience of resolving disputes around stamp duty. This consumer factsheet has been created to give you a better understanding of the issues and potential risks around buying your home. Tagged: stamp duty factsheets
LeO welcomes LSB's framework for achieving a positive complaints culture 29/05/2024 Legal Ombudsman welcomes Legal Service Board’s framework for achieving a positive complaints culture
Get support with resolving complaints 26/03/2024 Find out how to contact us for support and read the latest queries we’ve helped to resolve. Tagged: Learning from complaints Learning resources Technical Advice
Stamp duty - feedback for lawyers 26/03/2024 We have put together some tips, based on our experience of resolving disputes around stamp duty, which may help you to ensure your clients aren’t being hit with any nasty surprises. Tagged: stamp duty Legal Ombudsman or CLC? lawyer information solicitor information
Preventing complaints 30/09/2024 Guidance and resources which highlight best practice in customer service and the key drivers for complaints Tagged: Preventing complaints Annual complaints data good costs services case studies good complaints handling training and events
Scheme Rules 14/05/2024 Overview of the scheme rules Tagged: Scheme Rules Legal Ombudsman Scheme Governance How we work