Deciding whether complaints are in time – requests for bills 30/09/2024 Deciding whether complaints are in time – requests for bills Tagged: Case studies
The transfer of CMC complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service 25/09/2024 The transfer of CMC complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service Tagged: factsheets CMCs CMC complaints transfer
LeO takes action to prevent complaints about legal fees 30/09/2024 LeO takes action to stop complaints involving legal fees and reclaiming them Tagged: news legal fees
Complaints about legal costs 30/09/2024 What legal providers, consumers and their representatives need to know when it comes to disputes about legal costs on a “no win, no fee” basis. Tagged: Preventing complaints
Complaints about how fees have been calculated and communicated 30/09/2024 Complaints about how fees have been calculated and communicated Tagged: Case studies
Invitation to Tender - Service Complaints Adjudicator 26/03/2024 Tender for Service Complaints Adjudicator
Learning Resources 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources to support you, as a legal service provider, to resolve complaints brought to you by your clients Tagged: training and events Preventing complaints complaints handling lawyer information solicitor information
Losing the plot – residential conveyancing complaints 26/03/2024 Losing the plot – residential conveyancing complaints
Guidance: our approach to determining complaints 26/03/2024 Guidance: our approach to determining complaints Tagged: Guidance