Complaints process 26/03/2024 Our resources help consumers make informed choices about resolving a complaint with their legal service provider. Tagged: case studies FAQs factsheets accessibility make a complaint
Inclusive service policy statement 26/03/2024 inclusive service policy statement Tagged: Inclusive service policy statement Legal Ombudsman service Legal Ombudsman customers Legal Ombudsman committment service policy
The service provided no value 26/03/2024 This firm provided a service of no value and charged more than they advised...
No poor service - conveyancing complaint 26/03/2024 Case study where it was found by the Legal Ombudsman that there was no poor service given... Tagged: Resolving complaints
Providing a service 26/03/2024 The firm challenged our jurisdiction and failed to respond to the complaint as they were acting for the mortgage lender and not Mr Z…
Investigating complaints - Information for service providers 26/03/2024 Investigating complaints - Information for service providers
Complaints about how fees have been calculated and communicated 30/09/2024 Complaints about how fees have been calculated and communicated Tagged: Case studies
The transfer of CMC complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service 25/09/2024 The transfer of CMC complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service Tagged: factsheets CMCs CMC complaints transfer
Service failings caused emotional distress 26/03/2024 This firm caused unnecessary emotional distress with service failings in an immigration case...
Learning Resources 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources to support you, as a legal service provider, to resolve complaints brought to you by your clients Tagged: training and events Preventing complaints complaints handling lawyer information solicitor information
Privacy 05/06/2024 Our privacy notice sets out how you can expect us to use your personal information when you visit our website. Tagged: privacy Freedom of Information Access request
Invitation to Tender - Service Complaints Adjudicator 26/03/2024 Tender for Service Complaints Adjudicator
Research shows room for improvement in how law firms deal with complaints 26/03/2024 Research shows room for improvement in how law firms deal with complaints Tagged: Research
New self-service Customer Assessment Tool 26/03/2024 New self-service Customer Assessment Tool Tagged: Consumer resources