Updated guidance on complaints about costs 26/03/2024 Updated guidance on complaints about costs Tagged: Costs Guidance Costs Guidance
Failure to provide reasonable advice 26/03/2024 Failure to advise of car hire options left Ms P in financial distress...
13/05/2024 Investigating complaints between consumers and their legal service providers. Complaining isn't easy. We're here to make sure it's straightforward and fair.
Investigating your complaint 26/03/2024 In this section we will tell you more about how we investigate your complaints. Tagged: investigating complaints factsheets Resolving complaints
Agreeing on a remedy 26/03/2024 Our front end team helped this firm and customer agree on a suitable remedy to put things right...
A missed deadline had a severe impact 26/03/2024 Mr E's immigration application was refused because the firm gave the wrong deadline...
Failure to provide reasonable adjustments 26/03/2024 Mr H had a negative experience with the firm as they did not communicate with him in the way he requested...
Making reasonable adjustments 26/03/2024 Despite being aware of Mr C's disability, this firm failed to make reasonable adjustments and should have taken more care with the terminology they used...
Increasing ground rent 26/03/2024 Mr G got a shock a year after purchasing a property to find out he owed ground rent charges he wasn't expecting...