Governance frameworks 26/03/2024 Information about the different terms of reference and codes of practice for the OLC and its committees Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
Privacy 05/06/2024 Our privacy notice sets out how you can expect us to use your personal information when you visit our website. Tagged: privacy Freedom of Information Access request
Board papers and minutes 19/11/2024 OLC board papers and minutes Tagged: OLC Office for Legal Complaints governance
OLC launches consultation on the Business Plan and Budget for 2025/26 31/10/2024 OLC launches consultation on the Business Plan and Budget for 2025/26
2019-20 Business Plan and Budget 26/03/2024 2019-20 Business Plan and Budget Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints strategy and business plan
Our final 2018-19 Business Plan and Budget 26/03/2024 Our final 2018-19 Business Plan and Budget Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints strategy and business plan
Consultation on our 2018-19 Business Plan and Budget 26/03/2024 Consultation on our 2018-19 Business Plan and Budget Tagged: strategy and business plan Consultation Office for Legal Complaints
OLC: publication of board papers, 2020 26/03/2024 OLC: publication of board papers, 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance Board minutes
OLC: publication of board papers 26/03/2024 OLC: publication of board papers October 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance Board minutes
Consultation: OLC Business Plan and Budget consultation 2022/23 26/03/2024 Launch of the OLC Business Plan and Budget consultation for 2022/23 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints Consultation strategy and business plan
Access our new course on remedies 26/03/2024 We’ve introduced a new practical course on determining remedies. Tagged: Learning from complaints Learning resources Insight
Policy Statement - Publishing our Decisions 26/03/2024 Our Policy Statement 2020 sets out why we publish the final decisions made by an ombudsman. Tagged: Policy statement Publishing decisions
Publishing our decisions: An evidenced based response November 2011 26/03/2024 November 2011. Public response to publishing decisions consultation Tagged: Consultation strategy and business plan Scheme Rules Publishing our decisions
Equality, diversity and inclusion 07/08/2024 The Legal Ombudsman has a strategy for ensuring that the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are at the heart of everything we do – both as an employer and as a public service. Tagged: equality diversity inclusion