Your search for Legal Service Board returned 382 results.

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Our service is for everyone who needs our help in resolving a service complaint. We make every effort to ensure that our website, our documents, and our service are easy to use and are accessible to everyone. We can do this by providing information in a different format such as large print, Braille, on an audio CD or audio file, or in another language.


Our factsheets are short and easy to digest, and give an overview of the relevant topic.

Out of jurisdiction

Mr I was unhappy with the firm's service, however the firm were not actually providing a service to him…

Working for us

Are you thinking about joining us? Here you can find out more about what we do, why it matters, the part you could play and what we offer our people. You can also read about our commitment to being an equal, diverse and inclusive place to work – and what that means for you.