We have been out and about, meeting with legal service providers at a variety of events. A snapshot of recent weeks includes:

On 30 October, Jason spoke at a complaints handling at a seminar held by the Bar Council in London. Thanks to a local Birmingham chambers who allowed us to deliver the sessions via Skype after a lot of train cancellations on the day!

Upcoming events
We will be delivering our half-day Complaints Handling courses in Dorchester on 4 February and in Cardiff on 11 March. Details of how to reserve yourself a place are available on our website.
Also in the next few weeks, Laura Barker will be speaking at an event organised by Lawshare JMW Solicitors in Manchester on 13 January. Mariette Hughes is due to give a presentation at the CLC Conference in London on 28 January.
If you are a member of a legal organisation, and think you’d benefit by hearing from us, please get in touch with us at support@legalombudsman.org.uk. We are always willing to consider requests for speakers and presentations.