Photo of Jon Sacker from the CLC

Q&A with Jon Sacker from the CLC

  1. What is your role at the CLC?
  2. I’m Deputy Director of Communications which means that I am responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of activity for the regulator of specialist property lawyers. This includes supporting compliance by our regulated community, educating consumers to make informed choices of lawyers and ensuring there is a future generation of trainees coming into the profession.

  3. What projects are you working on at the moment?
  4. I’m currently revamping our Customer Charter which summarises what consumers can expect from CLC licensed property lawyers. This ensures people using a CLC licensed practice understand the benefits of instructing a specialist regulated property lawyer as well as the protections they get if by any chance something goes wrong.

    I also want to make sure consumers understand how they can make use of our Informed Choice transparency requirements to choose the lawyer that best meets their needs.

    And finally I’m keen on the new web toolkits we are developing which are a great way of supporting compliance and putting in place tools to protect consumers.

  5. What is the one thing that you wish people knew about your role/the CLC?
  6. Our approach really supports client-focused and innovative property lawyers. We want our businesses to succeed and we will work alongside them to support them to provide modern legal services that benefit consumers.

  7. What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get into your profession?
  8. Communications is changing at an extraordinary pace so be curious, welcome innovation and always think of the final recipient whatever you may be crafting.

  9. Who is your biggest inspiration, personally or professionally?
  10. My inspiration is an academic and business consultant, David Maister. I’ve always aspired to be the Trusted Adviser he wrote about; earn people's trust and so be able to influence them.

  11. Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
  12. I was once, with colleagues, given two weeks’ notice to organise a fundraising dinner with Nelson Mandela. To be able to meet him face-to-face and hear him speak remains one of the personal and professional highlights of my life.

  13. What’s the wisest thing anyone has ever said to you?
  14. Work is what we do to let us live the lives we want, don’t let it become your life.

  15. What three items would you take to a desert island?
  16. A never ending supply of good food and drink; my dogs to encourage me to exercise and a fast boat to get me back to my family!

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