The impact of Covid-19
Everyone will be aware of the impact that Covid-19 had on individuals and businesses, including in the legal sector, over the last 18 months. With very little warning businesses were advised to work from home and while some were able to operate as usual, others were operating a reduced service or had to close completely.
At the beginning of the pandemic we developed some guidance to clarify our approach to complaints impacted by Covid-19 which can be found here. Whilst we are unable to make short-term changes to the Scheme Rules, we do have the power to use our discretion and make case by case decisions which are appropriate for these specific circumstances.
Complaints about situations which occurred during Covid-19 are now beginning to come through at the Legal Ombudsman. Below we share some case studies where Covid-19 impacted the service provided and the decisions we came to when determining service which may help anyone responding to similar scenarios.