Gender pay gap report

 27 March 2018 

Gender pay gap report


We have now published our Gender Pay Gap report for 2017. The Legal Ombudsman’s staff count at the time of reporting was under the 250 threshold, however we have published our findings on a voluntary basis as we believe it is important to be transparent in this area.

The report highlights that on average, as at 5 April 2017, male staff were paid 10% more than female staff (which is similar to the 11% gap reported by the civil service). The main reason for this gap is that there were more men than women in senior roles at the time of the report.

Initiatives underway through our modernisation programme (as set out in our business plan which will be published in the next week) such as changes in our management structure, flexible working, participation in the Working Families initiative and a focus on career pathways will have a positive impact on the gender pay gap.