Featured publication
Our approach to determining complaints
This guidance sets out the key questions we consider when determining "what is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances of the case."
Our approach during the Covid-19 pandemic
This guidance sets out the approach we will take when we consider complaints that arise during the Covid-19 pandemic. It emphasises that it is vital to be clear with clients about the level of service they can expect at this time.
Guidance: Complaints alleging negligence
We often receive complaints which could be treated as a cause of action in negligence or a complaint about service.
This guidance sets out our approach.
Guidance: Scheme Rules FAQ
An overview of the key areas of our scheme rules and what they mean.
Guidance: Our approach to determining complaints
This guidance sets out the key questions we consider when determining "what is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances of the case."
Guidance: Our approach to putting things right
This guidance looks at how we put things right when the service was not of a reasonable standard.
Guidance: for accountants
This guidance provides Chartered Accountancy firms that have become authorised providers of probate services, under the provisions of the Legal Services Act 2007, with an overview of the Legal Ombudsman scheme.