We're here to help everyone

We make every effort to ensure that our website, our documents, and our service is easy to use and is accessible to everyone.

We can do this by providing information in a different format such as large print, Braille, on an audio CD or audio file, or in another language.

It is our legal duty to make changes and adjustments for people with disabilities, where it is reasonable to do so in the circumstances. We are also committed to making sure the way we work doesn’t put anyone at a disadvantage

If you need any help or support, please tell us about it and we will do our best to meet your needs.

Our contact details and the way we can help can be found in our guides and resources below.


professional woman talking to a man at a table.



Older retired couple

We can help. If you’re deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, conversations can be difficult. We use Relay UK (previously Next Generation Text - NGT) to make things easier for you.

Large headphones

BrowseAloud provides reading support tools. It can also read website content out loud, highlighting each word as it is spoken in a high quality, human-sounding voice.

Woman wearing glasses and red jacket works at desk

We can help. Did you know that you can change your text size to make things easier to read on our website?


leaflets, coffee cup and laptop on a table

This guide will tell you more about the information and documents that can be made available in other formats.

image of a globe in someone's hand

This guide will tell you more about the information and documents that can be made available in other languages.

man leaning on table with head in hand

If you need additional support from us, we can be flexible about how we provide our service to you.


Man sitting on large couch using his laptop

If the Legal Ombudsman is unable to investigation your complaint, there are other organisations who may be able to help or offer advice.

Professional woman in smart grey suit

We are always happy to receive feedback and encourage you to let us know about any problems you have had.

mobile phone with You Tube logo

Our ‘here to Help’ leaflet is also available as a British Sign language video on You Tube.

Our commitment to you

It is our legal duty to make changes and adjustments for people with disabilities, where it is reasonable to do so in the circumstances.

We're also committed to making sure the way we work doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage.

We've have published our Reasonable Adjustment policy. and are also working with the following organisations:

  • Business in the Community; and
  • Disability Confident.

If you need any help or support, please tell us about it and we will do our best to meet your needs.


Business in the Community logo



Accessibility Statement 

We make every effort to ensure that our website, our documents, and our service is easy to use and is accessible to everyone.

Our website Accessibility Statement has been designed to be compatible with a range of assisted software, including screen readers like JAWS and NVDA, and speech recognition software.